Friday, March 31, 2006

My first blog post

Asatomaa satgamaya -- lead me from untruth to truth
tamaso maa jyotir gamaya -- lead me from darkness to light
mrutyormaa amrutam gamaya -- lead me from death to eternity

Ever since humans started to think, these things ponder in ones mind.

Who created universe ?,
Where was I before my birth?
Why war and famine happen ? and why people suffer ?
Where do I go from here ?

Early man started to move around to find these answers
as if they could be found some where in universe.

Sometimes, these thoughts occur even in our current buzzing life.
Making us wonder about our futility of our current life.

Sometimes, our life gets into a tangle and
we need to get some answers
which are not easy to come by in our daily routines.

We find the need to travel to discover something within.

Travel aids our quest for knowledge, it expands our mind horizon

In this journey, one may find the true answers to the first question.

Till that time, the journey continues….

In this space, I keep writing about travels and places

As a promoter & publisher of IndScan Reports, a magazine on new projects & tenders, I like to track here the progress of Indian Industry across various sectors. You may find new projects and new initiative of various governments, corportations, agencies are published here.