Saturday, October 07, 2006

CPCL plans mini expansion

CPCL is on a mini-expansion project under which its capacity will increase by 1.7 million tonnes (mt) from the present 9.5 mt. The Rs 330-crore project consists of two parts — de-bottlenecking of the Unit-III at a cost of Rs 130 crore, which will add 1 mt, and revamping of the old Unit-I at a cost of Rs 200 crore, which will raise capacity by another 0.7 mt. CPCL is planning to Rs 560 million to set up fuel tankages to store crude oil, to meet the additional need for storage capacity after the expansion. Each of the proposed two tanks can hold 50,000 kilo litres of crude oil. Presently, CPCL has a storage of 62,000 kilo liters.

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